Nutrition in 2023: Transforming Your Health and Well-being

Would you believe that I have been absent for a month?

This is quite amazing. Those who know me are well aware that I tend not to take a summer break, or any type of holiday, because there is always something coming up.

But, all of this changed last year.

I have a group of amazing friends, and last year, we all agreed to go away together. I was really excited about the idea to get away from cold and humid London and escape to a (full-board) resort (not my choice! just to confirm…) in Cancun.

Because of COVID, there were still some travel restrictions worldwide, but we had nothing to show or have injected in order to go to Mexico. That was a good enough reason for me to want to travel and show my ‘rebel’ side.

The second reason that made me want to go was that the price of the resort was cut down by 2/3, making it ridiculously cheap. Cheaper than a 3-night stay in Central London. The offer was, if you stayed 10 days, you only pay for 1 week and will be considered ‘VIP’ (with wristbands and all). Now, you can understand why this was an incredible trip I couldn’t refuse. Plus, winter sun is always a good thing to top up those levels of vitamin D.

The flight was also so cheap, it quickly transpired that I would never find an opportunity like this. And, refusing to go, I couldn’t.

After all, I had not requested any day off and had appointments to honour. I couldn’t possibly cancel or reschedule.

This is where I showed another ‘rebellious’ side, making me feel like I was doing something ‘naughty’, something heavenly wrong, and the excitement made me want to go even more and enjoy myself there even more.

To make sure I would have enough ‘me-time’ and be able to organise myself and spend time at the beach or sightseeing, I made sure that my schedule was full and didn’t take any new appointments. Although, what I didn’t realise was the time difference. 9:00 AM in the UK meant 4:00 AM in Cancun.

So, whenever I had a booked consultation at 9:00 Am, I would wake up at 3, make myself an awful cup of coffee from a sachet on the coffee tray in the room, and prepare myself. Then, when it was time, I would set the video background to ‘hide’ the fact that I was sitting on a lounge chair by the pool. I was so relaxed and grateful for the welcome break that my consultations were undoubtedly the best I ever had. I had an instant connection with my clients and to this day, received the most amazing feedback.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, the answer is simple.

I realised then that I was able to take breaks, that I was able to enjoy my life and go on holiday if I wanted to. From 2003 to 2011, I have only been twice on holiday. So, now you can understand why I desperately needed a break and why, today, I will not longer let work or the pressures of life dictate my state of well-being, especially my mental well-being.

I also promised my friends that I would go back with them anytime we found amazing deals and any excuse to spend time together. The only condition, it has to be on the beach somewhere, anywhere.

This summer, the awful British weather was an incentive we all needed. We found incredibly cheap tickets (I won’t give the name of the low-cost airline, cos you’ll know why their prices are unbelievably low even in full season) to go to Italy (lake Como) and a villa for 5 days, then another flight to Northern Sardinia, in a basic apartment (without wifi or air-conditioning).

I still have no regrets!

So, I hope you will forgive me for being absent.

Let’s go back to today's theme and let’s discover the Nutritional Wonders of 2023.

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, I will unveil today the groundbreaking trends that are set to redefine health and well-being in the second half of 2023.

Microbiome Marvels: The Gut-Brain Axis Revolution

Did you know that your gut microbes can influence your mood as much as your diet?

A fascinating revelation in recent research is the intricate connection between your gut health and brain function. The gut-brain axis is far from a one-way street – your gut microbes, known as the microbiome, communicate with your brain, via the release of metabolites and various by-products, and influence everything from mood to cognition.

The diversity and balance of your gut microbiota can thus impact your mental well-being, propelling gut-friendly foods into the spotlight.

The astonishing truth about the intricate relationship between your gut health and the harmony of your mind is big news. Something science could not accept a few years back, the same as neuroplasticity, the ability of your brain to make new neurones and neuronal paths. Science was adamant, it was simply impossible, they dictated without proof, until now.

In this intricate web of communication, your gut-brain axis is a bustling two-way highway where your gut microbiota converses with your brain. About 90% of the communication originates from the gut and only about 10% comes from the brain. So, the weight of the conversation is brought by the state of your gut microbiota, the diversity and strength of the tiny microbes residing in your gut, and their impact on the gut itself — immune or functional (they may either promote intestinal impermeability or play a key role in inflammatory disorders by increasing gut permeability, a process known as ‘leaky gut’).

So, prepare to be awed as you learn how these microbial companions wield their influence over not just digestion but the very essence of who you are.

Your emotions, your thoughts, and even the way you perceive the world around you, all of this is orchestrated by these tiny microbes. It's a revelation that transcends scientific theories and dives into the realms of your daily existence.

As you venture further, the spotlight shifts towards culinary heroes — fermented foods, prebiotics (dietary fibre), and probiotics. With each bite, you set the stage for a transformation that reverberates through your mental landscape. Fermented wonders and their rich probiotic cast take centre stage, bolstering your microbiome's harmonious chorus and weaving positivity into your very core.

And then, there's the understated brilliance of prebiotics, nourishing the backstage crew of your gut-brain production. Through their presence, they fortify the stage, empowering your microbiome's performance with a standing ovation-worthy encore.

In a world where health is a treasure, consider your gut health a map leading to the treasure trove of a contented mind. The gut-brain axis beckons, its allure growing with each revelation. Let fermented foods, prebiotics, and probiotics be your compass, steering you toward a destination where happiness dances in harmony with cognition, where well-being is not a destination, but a breathtaking journey.

Metabolic Magic: Unmasking the Epigenetic Potential of Foods

Certain foods can switch your genes on or off a nutritional power beyond imagination.

The era of epigenetics has unveiled the secret power of foods to impact our genes. Emerging research demonstrates that specific nutrients can directly affect gene expression, with the incredible potential to prevent, and in some cases, reverse chronic diseases.

Dive into the world of epigenetic foods that can turn your health destiny around. From cruciferous vegetables influencing cancer-related genes to the anti-inflammatory prowess of omega-3 fatty acids, your plate becomes a palette of epigenetic transformation.

Epigenetics refers to the study of heritable changes in gene expression that occur without any alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. In other words, epigenetics explores how environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and experiences can influence your genes, either turning them on or off, thus impacting your health and characteristics.

To better understand epigenetics, let’s look at it from a different perspective. Epigenetics is like the director cut of your genetic script. Imagine your DNA as the script for a movie. Epigenetics doesn't change the script, but it decides which scenes are played, paused, or even skipped. It's the set of instructions that tells your body which genes to activate or deactivate. These instructions can be influenced by your lifestyle, environment, and experiences, adding layers of complexity to the story your genes tell.

In short, epigenetics shows that your genes are influenced by more than just the words on the page – it's how your body interprets and performs the script of your life.

Adaptogens: Nature's Stress Defenders for Modern Warriors

Plants can be your allies in conquering stress and increasing resilience.

Adaptogens are not news; however, living in a post-COVID society and during a well-orchestrated political and economic instability, levels of stress are skyrocketing, and so are mental health disorders, including anxiety disorders, depression, and more.

In a world dominated by stress, the spotlight is now on adaptogens — plants that support your body's ability to adapt to stress. From Rhodiola's ability to enhance cognitive function under pressure to Ashwagandha's cortisol-balancing act, these botanical wonders are revolutionising stress management. Discover how adaptogens can be your natural companions in navigating the chaos of modern life while revitalizing your overall well-being.

Ketotarian: The Fusion of Ketogenic and Plant-Based Diets

You can harness the power of ketosis while staying true to plant-based principles.

Say hello to Ketotarian, the ingenious merger of two powerful dietary approaches.

Ketogenic diets, known for their fat-burning prowess, meet the ethical and health benefits of (wholesome) plant-based eating as recommended by ENERGISE.

Explore the art of achieving ketosis while indulging in nutrient-rich plant foods. Witness how Ketotarianism leverages the best of both worlds to fuel your vitality and unleash your metabolic potential.

Next-Gen Nutrient Synergy: Enhancing Bioavailability for Maximum Impact

The way you combine foods can unlock hidden nutritional treasures you never knew existed.

It's not just about what you eat, but how you pair your foods that can enhance nutrient absorption. Scientifically curated food combinations can enhance bioavailability, ensuring your body reaps the full benefits of each bite. From the vitamin C and iron dance (vitamin C enhances the body's uptake of iron from food) to the dynamic duo of liposomal turmeric and black pepper, mastering nutrient synergy amplifies the impact of your dietary choices.

Picture your plate as a culinary symphony, where each ingredient plays a unique role in a grand performance of health and vitality. But here's the secret twist: It's not just the individual players that matter, it's how they harmonise that truly makes the magic. Imagine savouring a meticulously curated dish, each component chosen not only for its flavour but also for its strategic partnership with its fellow ingredients.

It's the art of pairing foods with purpose, orchestrating a symphony of flavours and nutrients that resonate with your body's intricate mechanisms. Just like a master conductor skillfully guides an orchestra, your choices in the kitchen can conduct a harmonious melody of nourishment and well-being.

You can also imagine your plate as a canvas, each ingredient a brushstroke, and nutrient synergy the guiding hand behind the masterpiece. It's a journey that beckons you to explore and experiment, to curate your meals with intention and insight. With each thoughtful combination, you unlock possibilities where flavours intertwine with function, where taste and nutrition become inseparable partners. Remember to use the entire palette of colours as given by nature. Use vibrant red, yellow and green to make a stunning picture, but also include blue and orange to make the perfect picture. You create a masterpiece every meal. Your imagination is the limit.

So, the next time you sit down to a meal, remember that it's not just about what you eat — it's about how you orchestrate the symphony of flavours and nutrients. It's about crafting a culinary experience that nourishes not only your taste buds but also your well-being. Embrace the magic of nutrient synergy, and let your plate become a canvas of health, vitality, and pure culinary delight.

Final Thought

In the world of nutrition, knowledge is power, and embracing these cutting-edge trends empowers you to reclaim your health narrative. As your clinical nutritionist, armed with insights from naturopathic medicine, I invite you to embark on this journey of discovery. Let 2023 be the year you seize control of your health, amplify your well-being, and dive into the wonders of nutrition that promise a brighter, more vibrant future.

Remember, your plate is not just food; it's a canvas for transformation and empowerment.

So, what will you decide to put at the end of your fork for the rest of 2023?


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